Unreal Engine 5 Editor HotKeys Cheat Sheet

Here is a Cheat Sheet for the Unreal Engine 5 Editor HotKeys :

Viewport Navigation

LMB/RMB + DragStandard Movement
RMB + WASDGameStyle Movement
Alt + LMB/RMBMaya Movement
Shift + 1Standard Movement Mode
Shift + 2GameStyle Movement Mode
Shift + 3Maya Movement Mode
Mouse WheelZoom
Shift + 4Mesh Paint Mode
Shift + 5Modeling Mode
Shift + 6Fracture Mode
Shift + 7Brush Editing Mode
Shift + 8Animation Mode

Viewport Transformation

SpacebarToggle Transform Mode
Alt + (Translate or Rotate)Clone Active Object
HHide Selected Object
Ctrl + HUnhide All Hidden Objects
Shift + F11Editor Fullscreen
F11Immersive Mode

Viewport Shortcuts

GGame View
FFocus on Selection
Ctrl + KFind in Blueprint
Alt + 2Wireframe View
Alt + 3Unlit View
Alt + 4Lit View
EndSnap to Floor
Alt + EndSnap Pivot to Floor
Ctrl + EndSnap Origin to Grid
Shift + EndSnap Bounds to Floor

Camera Shortcuts

Alt + GPerspective View
Alt + HFront View
Alt + KSide View
Alt + JTop View
Ctrl + 0-9Set Camera Bookmark
0-9Jump to Camera Bookmark


~Command Console
Shift + F1Mouse Control in Play Mode
Ctrl + Alt + F11Live Code Recompile
F8Detach from Viewport Play
Ctrl + Shift + [Decrease Brush Falloff
Ctrl + Shift + ]Increase Brush Falloff
[Decrease Brush Size
]Increase Brush Size
Ctrl + [Decrease Brush Strength
Ctrl + ]Increase Brush Strength
Ctrl + QDecrease Power of Two
Ctrl + EIncrease Power of Two
Shift + =Toggle Gizmo
AModeling – Mesh Cut Tool
TPlane Cut
RFlip Cutting Plane

This cheat sheet covers various hotkeys and shortcuts for Unreal Engine 5 Editor, including viewport navigation, viewport transformation, viewport shortcuts, camera shortcuts, and miscellaneous actions.

[1] https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/ue5-cheat-sheets-c-blueprints-editor/533979
[2] https://uecasts.com/files/unreal-engine-editor-hotkeys-cheat-sheet.pdf
[3] https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/u8dt9u/ue5_cheat_sheets_c_blueprints_editor/
[4] https://uecasts.com/files/cheat-sheets/unreal-engine-5-editor-cheat-sheet-dark-theme.pdf
[5] https://indiedevguide.teachable.com/p/unreal-engine-cheat-sheet