Top 43 Docker Commands

Index Command Description
1 docker version Show the Docker version information
2 docker info Show system-wide information about Docker
3 docker pull <image_name> Pull an image from Docker Hub
4 docker images List all local images
5 docker run <image_name> Run a container from an image
6 docker ps List all running containers
7 docker ps -a List all containers (running and stopped)
8 docker start <container_id> Start a stopped container
9 docker stop <container_id> Stop a running container
10 docker rm <container_id> Remove a container
11 docker rmi <image_id> Remove an image
12 docker exec -it <container_id> bash Run a command inside a running container
13 docker build -t <image_name> . Build an image from a Dockerfile
14 docker-compose up Start services defined in a Compose file
15 docker-compose down Stop and remove containers created by ‘up’
16 docker-compose ps List services
17 docker-compose logs Show logs for all services
18 docker-compose exec <service_name> <command> Execute a command in a running service container
19 docker-compose build Build or rebuild services
20 docker-compose restart <service_name> Restart a service
21 docker-compose pause <service_name> Pause a service
22 docker-compose unpause <service_name> Unpause a service
23 docker-compose scale <service_name>=<num_containers> Scale a service to a specific number of containers
24 docker logs <container_id> Show logs of a container
25 docker inspect <container_id> Show low-level information about a container
26 docker cp <container_id>:/path/to/container/file /host/path Copy files/folders between a container and host
27 docker stats Show resource usage statistics of running containers
28 docker kill <container_id> Kill a running container
29 docker pause <container_id> Pause a running container
30 docker unpause <container_id> Unpause a paused container
31 docker top <container_id> Display the running processes of a container
32 docker attach <container_id> Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
33 docker build -f <Dockerfile> -t <image_name> . Build an image from a specified Dockerfile
34 docker commit <container_id> <image_name> Create a new image from a container’s changes
35 docker export <container_id> > filename.tar Export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive
36 docker import filename.tar Create a new filesystem image from the contents of a tarball
37 docker save -o filename.tar <image_name> Save one or more images to a tar archive
38 docker load -i filename.tar Load an image from a tar archive
39 docker network ls List networks
40 docker network inspect <network_id> Show information about a network
41 docker network create --driver <driver> <network_name> Create a network
42 docker network connect <network_id> <container_id> Connect a container to a network
43 docker network disconnect <network_id> <container_id> Disconnect a container from a network
44 docker system prune Remove all unused data
45 docker system prune -a Remove all unused data including stopped containers and unused images
46 docker system df Show docker disk usage